testing ground for art & ecology

Excursion with Arend Wakker


Sunday 23rd February, 2 – 4.30 PM
Assemble at the Glass House
In the context of the project Aeons & Aeons {#1} seed bank, presented by Selene Kolman in the back space of the Glass House a seed walk is organized in the Amstelpark. The excursion is led by Arend Wakker in collaboration with the IVN (instute for nature and sustainebility). Arend Wakker is in origine a geologist who developed himself into a botanical specialists and provides many exciting excursion with his oranization Open Eye productions (www.openoogprodukties).
The excursion lasts from 2 to 3 PM. Afterwards there will be a short presentation in the Glass House by Selene Kolman on her project Aeons & Aeons {#1} seed bank, and by Maarten van Bodegraven of the VU Hortus Botanicus.