testing ground for art & ecology

Buzzbench by AnneMarie van Splunter

Buzzbench (2015) by AnneMarie van Splunter
permanent installation in Dahliarama of Amstelpark

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Buzzbench is a sculptural environment that can be shared by humans and insects. It is a monumental bench in the middle of a flower field that functions simultaneously as a place to sit for human beings and a biotope for insects. The bench is constructed from cane and bamboo which offers insects separate tunnels to lay eggs and survive the winter. As part of a bee cordon through the city Buzzbench forms a special public space in the Amstelpark which the artist together with a bee expert will maintain for the next ten years.

The cane and bamboo which the bench is built from comes from city gardeners in Amsterdam. In the Amstelpark the Buzzbench can offer nesting help to at least 8 local bee species. The shell form of the bench changes and enforces the zooming of the insects and includes the visitor in a heightened sensual surrounding.

Beeldend kunstenaar/ artist | AnneMarie van Splunter Materialen / materials | Medite Tricoya Extreme, locaal riet en bamboe Uitvoering / production | Bouwatelier Fiction Factory i.s.m. beeldend kunstenaar/with the artist  Financiering / funding | Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst, Gemeente Amsterdam Stadsdeel Zuid, Prins Bernard Cultuurfonds, crowdfunding VoorDeKunst.

Images: AnneMarie van Splunter

The Buzzbench was developed in collaboration with Zone2Source, an international platform for Art, Nature & Technology in the Amstelpark, Amsterdam. In the coming years Zone2Source wants to develop the Amstelpark into a park for art and ecology and a testing ground for the Chtuluceen, in which we practice the intertwining of man and nature. Other works that allow visitors to experience the Amstelpark differently are Floriade Whisperings by KCCM, Plantsoensociologie by the Onkruidenier, Odoshi Cloud Sequence by Ronald van der Meijs, Pit Portal by Karin van Dam, and the soundwalks; Secret Garden by Justin Bennett and Audio Dérives by Esther Hoovers.

View all locations of the outside art works on the Amstelpark art map