testing ground for art & ecology
21 June 2014

Secret Signals

Marlena Novak and Jay Alan Yim with Jesus Duran (Glass House), GrondVormen (Orangerie), Justin Bennett, Ronald van der Meijs, Chiel Kuijl (outdoor locations)

hapjes uit het park
Glazen Huis, Orangerie, outdoors, June 21st 3 -6 PM with Midsummer Nights Performances with work by Marlena Novak and Jay Alan Yim with Jesus Duran (Glass House), GrondVormen (Orangerie), Justin Bennett, Ronald van der Meijs, Chiel Kuijl (outdoor locations)

Secret Signals, an exhibition that takes place in and outside the pavilions in the Amstelpark, explores the interaction between people and their natural environment. In installations, interventions and
performances the complexity of senses through which we communicate with the world around us are explored. More than the thematization of issues, Secret Signals is about enhancing a new sensibility for the world around us.

During the opening Divisions of Habitat will present just like last year a performance celebration of Midsummer’s Night. A food project to explore the sense of taste will be presented by Ronald Boer en Jonbar van Vlijmen. GrondVormen presents the first tea ceremony of the TheeMachine.