proeftuin voor kunst & ecologie
12 January, 2025

New Year’s Gathering

Spatieknop Collective, Oorbeek, Jasper Coppes

Join us for a New Year Gathering!

15:00 – 16:30
Performance Slow Turning between Two Lights
By Spatieknop Collective

Spatieknop Collective presents the results of 2 weeks of explorations, in which their work is shared, rejoicing in collective creativity and the turning of the year.

Spatieknop collective is a collective embraces slowness and silence, opening up spaces where improvisation and spontaneous growth are possible. We take inspiration from our personal and shared histories, creating spacial experiences through movement, sound and poetry. In doing so, we explore alternative ways of engaging with audiences, inviting them to become part of our woven inner-landscapes.

17:00 – 17:45
Music Performance
By Oorbeek

Oorbeek is a free improvisation band that liberates sounds in unpredictable ways, even for themselves

Oorbeek is een vrije improvisatie band die geluid vrij maakt op onverwachte manieren.. Oorbeek bestaat uit Arie Altena (gitaar en banjo), Peter Cleutjens (drums), Maarten Hepp (stem en diverse instrumenten Klaas Kuitenbrouwer (basgitaar), Serge Onnen (trompet), Alice Smits (gitaar) en Mark van Tongeren (overtoon zang en mondharp).

Film Screening, KALI WAAL, 2024
By Jasper Coppes

A short experimental documentary, 22 min., 1:2.35, 4K DCP.
A group of young researchers visits a site of ecological controversy.
They learn of the strange events that are happening to the lake and its human and non-human inhabitants. Can the natural reserve be healed with toxic mud as industries claim?

Nocturnal Walk in the Park with Pàn Qi

Gluhwein and Soup