testing ground for art & ecology
Saturday 5 October, 16:00 - 18:00

Living Soil workshop with soil biologist Giulia Bongiorno

Kumi Hiroi


This workshop is part of Kumi Hiroi’s residency Tulip Mania 2 at the Park Studio.

The living soils workshop is a serious game based on collective intelligence which aims to spread a common language on the functioning of soils and the issues linked to their preservation.

Giulia Bongiorno is a Lecturer/Researcher at the Soil Biology Group and outreach supporter of the Soil Science cluster, Wageningen University and Research.

The workshop will take about 2,5 hours, in English. It’s suitable for children above 15 years old.

Price: €10
Sign up here

more information: https://www.ateliersolsvivants.org/en