Park dialogues with Tuinbazen on November 7th
Dialogue about the park as a garden for everybody
[The dialogue will be held in Dutch].
Zone2Source and KETTER&CO invite park visitors, park caretakers, policy makers, researchers, local residents and everyone interested in our public space to think about new forms of management. How can we build a community around Amstelpark and bring care providers and users together?
Discovering how people would like to be involved, Ketter & Co has set itself the mission to turn the park into a garden. If you would like to talk about the development of new ideas about joint maintenance of our city parks, then come and visit the Tuinbazen Park Dialogue November 7, 3 – 5 PM in het Glazen Huis.
We kindly ask you to register if you like to participate via
Previous Park Dialogues
We had a Park Dialogue on Saturday 21 September 2019 in Het Glazen Huis.