Green City: presentation and discussion

green city debate



het Glazen Huis, February 20 2014, 1 – 5 PM

It increasingly becomes clear in every sector of life that we have to start using our natural sources in a different way and change current processes and technologies. This requires us to establish new relations with our environment within an ecology in which nature and culture, city and countruside are no longer oppositions. For this afternoon we invited six speakers from various backgrounds – botanic, perma culture, design, architecture, media technology – who are concerned with the green city.

Speakers are: Geralt Joren (hortularis Hortus Botanicus Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), Debra Solomon (Urbaniahoeve, Social Design Lab voor Stadslandbouw), Janine Toussaint (Ontkiem West, Tugela 85 ), Theun Karelse (FOAM), Bert Kramer (Remark), Lynn Shore (River of Herbs). Gespreksleider: Iris Dik (advisor and curator in public space)
Green City is organized in the context of the exhibition Pixel Palace, for which Refunc build a decor of transformed pallets to create a presentation platform for the VU Hortus Botanicus. The VU Hortus will be removed in the coming years for expansion of the VU hospital. With this a wealth of knowledge and a unique collection will be lost. Hortularis Gerald Joren will provide an introductory talk on the contemporary meaning of a hortus, which will be placed within the larger platform of reflection and practice on the green city of the future.
