Machine Wilderness in ARTIS Magazine

The first public announcement of Machine Wilderness 2020 was featured in the ARTIS Magazine.

From 12 April to 18 October 2020, Zone2Source will organise, together with FoAM and ARTIS Zoo in Amsterdam, Machine Wilderness in which artists will work as artistic researchers in Artis zoo and present their findings in a variety of public programs. Artists researchers are Heather Barnett, Erwin Driessens & Maria Verstappen, Ivan Henriques, Ian Ingram, Spela Petric, Antti Tenetz and Thomas Thwaites.

More information of the program will follow soon. In the meantime, you can check out the preview on the magazine below (in Dutch), or go to ARTIS’ website. You can also review the past program of Machine Wilderness at Zone2Source in 2018 here.
