“50% of the park experience is invisible” – An interview with Marjolijn Boterenbrood
24 March 2020 – Interview with Marjolein Boterenbrood about her project Parksporen / Traces by Anh Dinh from Zone2Source
Traces / Park Sporen (2014 – 2016) by Marjolein Boterenbrood emerged from an artist in residence in the Amstelpark at Zone2Source . The art project is about the cartography of the hidden (such as humus, soil life, aquatic life, mycelium, sensory experiences and decay) in the Amstelpark and also the Gijsbrecht van Aemstelpark in Amsterdam. The working process consisted of research, a public program, a map and was recorded in the blog below. In 2020 we interviewed Marjolein about her project.
24 March 2020 – Interview with Marjolein Boterenbrood about her project Parksporen / Traces by Anh Dinh from Zone2Source
In de NRC van vrijdag 15 juni 2016 stond een mooi artikel van journalist Kester Freriks over het project Sporen van Marjolijn Boterenbrood. Lees het artikel hier.
In de parken leven ongelofelijke hoeveelheden kreeften. Je vind de schildjes overal. Bij de kaartpresentatieten we ze: parkkreeftjes van de Keuken van het ongewenste dier:
Welkom op zondag 17 april 2016 bij Zone2source, Glazen Huis, Amstelpark Amsterdam Met het kunstproject Park Sporen ging Marjolijn Boterenbrood een jaar lang ondergronds in het Amstelpark en het Gijsbrecht van Aemstelpark. …Read more
After the water walk and the waterzooi lunch, we returned leftovers to the water. Remnants of the meal we serve on rice sheets to the lobsters, water fleas, post horn …Read more
After the waterzooi walk we talk in the Orangerie in the Amstelpark. We eat the lobsters in the park waters live, in aspic. The lobsters are poured in aspic so …Read more
Invitation: Come and see what is hidden under your feet, in the ground and in the water. 20 September, 12 noon Meeting island Gijsbrecht van Aemstelpark It is the year …Read more