Reading by Osmosis - Sema Bekirovic
Odoshi Cloud Sequence - Ronald van der Meijs
Performing Space – Danielle van Vree and Aart Jilesen
Radix Morgana - Egied Simons
Unloomed #1 - The Warp
Carboniferous - Pinar Yoldas
Here and Elsewhere – Irene Kopelman
Symbiotic Machine - Ivan Henriques
Medicijn Fabriek - Martijn Engelbregt
Journey To Meet Star-Gazers - Chikako Watanabe
A Time Capsule of Life - Ronald van der Meijs
Moon Gallery Garden
Pixel Palace - Refunc
We Are Here and have been here – Elke Uitentuis, Katarína Gališinová and We Are Here
Machine Wilderness
Path of Least Resistance - Tim Knowles
XYZ Factory - N55
Zoo of the Future (Quarantined) - ZOOF
BirdScore - Jeroen van Westen & Michael Pestel
Floriade Trash and Treasures - Cathelijne Montens en Krijn Christiaansen
De Thee Machine - GrondVormen
NomadicMILK - PolakvanBekkum
MIR i.s.m. Hannah Vosseberg
The Body Imitates the Landscapes - Adi Hollander & Claudio Baroni
50% Human - Sonja Baumel
The Incredible Shrinking Man - Arne Hendriks
Waiting Room – Terike Haapojaa & Laura Gustafsson
Congress of Glassolallia - The Warp
Buitenbrouwerij - Henriëtte Waal
Complex Compound - Robbert van der Horst
Skin Vibrations - Sagi Groner
Radix - Collectief Walden
Buurtsuper expeditie Amstelpark – De Onkruidenier
Bioremediating Missile - Jos Volkers

Coming Soon at Zone2Source

Plantas Harmonias: connecting continents through medicinal and ritual plants


An exhibition by Farah Rahman
the Glazen Huis, April 23 – June 18, 2023: Friday to Sunday between 1-5PM
Opening: Sunday April 23, 3-5PM
Finissage: Sunday June 18, 3-5PM

Plantas Harmonias: connecting continents through medicinal and ritual plants is a solo exhibition in which Farah Rahman presents existing and new work that she continues to develop during the exhibition’s opening hours. Plantas Harmonias is part of a series of solo exhibitions at Zone2Source, in which artists share their artistic research and making processes with the public.


Now on show: Outdoor works

In the Amstelpark you can experience existing and new outdoor works such as Plantsoensociologie, Home walk, Camera Obscura & Contemplatorium: area for unknown rituals. Click here for all of Zone2Source’s outdoor works in the Amstelpark. You can find the art map including all the artworks on page 12 & 13 in the Shadow Floriade newspaper.


About Zone2Source

Zone2Source is an international platform for art, nature and technology. We welcome you to experience the projects that artists have developed inside and outside of the glass pavilions of the Amstelpark, using this environment as a living lab. In our exhibitions and projects, we propose alternative practices and experiences of our ‘natural’ environment.  Zone2Source is concerned with a return to the source to observe and experience anew in order to explore new relations between humans, nature and technology.

In exhibitions, workshops, presentations and discussions we offer alternative imaginations to reorient ourselves with what a 21st century way of dealing with our world could be.

Zone2Source is open on Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 13:00 – 17:00 and upon request. Let us know you want to come via Free admission.

On this website you will find all information about our exhibitions, projects and the latest Zone2Source news.