Kebun Sejarah: kids cooking workshops
Looking Back
During the autumn holidays, the artist Kevin van Braak and his wife Dini Arisandi gave a cooking workshop for children at the Glazen House of Zone2Source. The ingredients used in the cooking workshop are part of the exhibition. With great pleasure, the children made simple Indonesian dishes with crops that also appear in the exhibition. The children tasted cassava crackers, bawang goreng (fried vegetables) and roti kukus (steam cake) which they were allowed to prepare themselves.
Autumn break, Thursday 21 October 2021
Cooking workshops for children (fully booked)

Kevin van Braak en Dini Arisandi tijdens de opening van Kebun Sejarah Foto Thomas Lenden
As part of the exhibition Kebun Sejarah, we are welcoming children from 6 -14 years old on Thursday 21 October 2021, to participate in a special cooking workshop hosted by Kevin van Braak and Dini Arisandi!
The workshops will be held on Thursday from 14.00 – 16.00. During the workshop, the children discover the cooking possibilities from a number of crops in the exhibition and learn how the crops can be used in the Indonesian kitchen. Together with Dini Arisandi, cook and wife of Kevin, children will prepare and cook simple dishes, taste the dishes together and exchange stories about the crops and dishes. For this event, we use the new mobile seating elements Laid Back that Kevin developed together with Peter Hopman which are also part of the exhibition.
The workshops are free, but registration is required! Register before 18 October at
The workshops are aimed at children but we also consider how parents (or uncles, aunts and other relatives of a different generation) can also participate.
These workshops are supported by the MidZomerMokum programme of the City of Amsterdam.

Examples of crops from the Kebun Sejarah exhibition include Papaya, Casave, Pepper, Vanilla, Peanuts and more. These crops are not necessarily included in the workshop.