RECONSTRUCTION #4, rosarium tuning, July 20, 2015

Contouren van de oorspronkelijke rosariumvakken aangebracht met kalk op het evenemententerrein

Silhouets of the original rosarium are applied on the lawn with chalk

Only a fragment of the original Rosarium is visible today. In the layout of the Floriade 1972, a vast pattern of diagonally positioned rectangles was spread over the area between the restaurant and the Orangerie. This pattern is reconstructed with chalk lines. The maintanance team of the park will mow the lawn outside the lines and leave the grass between the lines untouched, so the rectangeles fill with weeds.

in collaboration with Gemeente Amsterdam, Stadsdeel-Zuid.

Rosarium, 1972, Catalogus Floriade 1972

Rosarium, 1972, Catalogue Floriade 1972

Still uit het Polygoonjournaal van 1 augustus 1972

Still from the Polygoonjournaal of August 1, 1972

Werktekening Rosarium van de Gemeente Amsterdam, 1972

Plan for the Rosarium, Municipality of  Amsterdam, 1972

Jury beoordeelt de rozen , 1972, Catalogus Floriade 1972

Jury judging the roses, 1972, Catalogue Floriade 1972

Artists Blogs, Floriade trash and treasures