The Congress of Glassolallia Performances

Zone2Source’s winter program includes its yearly collaboration with The Warp, which organizes unique multi-media performances in the Art Chapel around specific calendar festivities.

This year’s installation kicks off on December 15, 2019 with three performances : Glassolallias (Music made entirely by glass instruments) by The Ensemble Todo Modo; The Gem Stone Operations – miniature operas based on conspiracy theories by members of  The Shark Infested Custard; a movement performance based on reflections from Thru the Glass Darkly by The Supernumeraries (Maria Mavridou and Izabella Pacewicz Wsocka).


The Festival of Lights continues onto 2020 with the second night on January 12th, from 3-6pm. During this night, the Ensemble Todo Modo (Dirk Bruinsma, Robert van Hulzen, Bart de Vries and Frank Rosalie) performs Selected Glassolallia – music made entirely on glass instruments. The Afterwards Search Party (Anthony Muriell, Lise Brenner, Andreas Tegnander) performs Minutiae – an audio visual performance of cutting images, texts, and glass based on the Diamond Sutra, a Buddhist text in the oldest existing printed book. Last but not least, the Paranural Record performs the Scrying Lights, a work of sound and light based on the occult idea of writing on black glass as a divine ritual.

The last performance night is February 2nd from 5-7pm, the specific program of which will be announced later. Meanwhile, the installation is on view from the outside throughout the winterbreak.

Lectures/discussions, Performances, Public Program