testing ground for art & ecology
4 october, 16.30-16.55

On Speculative Taxonomy

de Onkruidenier, Lisa Becking (WUR)

Jonmar van Vlijmen (artist collective de Onkruidenier) in conversation with Lisa Becking (Aquaculture and Fisheries, WUR)

Members of the artist collective de Onkruidenier see themselves as ecosystem futurists: through their work practice, they develop scenarios to teach us how to adapt to changes in our living environment. Since 2022, together with Zone2Source, they have been developing the Shadow Garden in the former Belgian monastery garden into an artist garden.

Lisa Becking is an associate professor in the Aquaculture & Fisheries group at Wageningen University & Research and a marine biologist with a long-standing interest in tropical marine biodiversity. One important question of her research is how species communities adapt to changes in the environment on ecological and evolutionary time scales.