testing ground for art & ecology
5 October, 16:00 - 17:30

Future Gardening: Speculative Botany

de Onkruidenier

This workshop is part of Het Gedeeld Domein and Future Gardening.

Tickets €10
max. 15 participants

Currently, our climate zone is shifting 13 metres north-eastwards every day. In the near future, we will increasingly experience relatively wet winters and dry hot summers due to the Mediterraneanisation of our habitat.

Plants over the centuries have evolved all kinds of survival mechanisms to sustain themselves and adapt. Everywhere in our habitat, evolution is taking place and species are developing new methods to move with the changes that can be observed daily. How can we as humans learn to adapt to the changes that reveal themselves to us daily as a crisis?

During this workshop, guided participants will take part in a speculative drawing exercise in which we create our own (plant) species that could become established in our urban nature in the near future. The aim is to create a hybrid species between imagination and our surrounding ecology. With Speculative Botany, the Onkruidenier explores with participants how drawing exercises can become a form of radical observation for new entanglements with a changing urban nature.

Sign up for the workshop here!