testing ground for art & ecology
1 oktober 2021

Interactive performance

Setu Legi

At the opening of Kebun Sejarah on 1th October 2021 the Indonesian artist Setu Legi gave an interactive performance at het Glazen Huis of Zone2Source. In the exhibition a drawing about wheat is on display.
“Kakang kawah adi Ari-ari. Sedulur papat Limo pancer“
“First the water of the elder siblings broke, then the placenta was born. Four siblings, the fifth goes back to the center of life”

Images by Thomas Lenden
More information from Setu Legi about his performance:
Javanese philosophy draws the line of human life from the moment the embryo is conceived and lives in the mother’s womb until it is born and becomes a fully-grown human being. “Kakang Kawah” is the amniotic fluid, which nourishes and protects the fetus as it grows. In Javanese terminology, “Kakang Kawah” is an older sibling. “Adi Ari-Ari” is the placenta, which is the food source for the fetus. “Adi Ari-Ari” functions as the second sibling of the fetus until it is born as a human. The third is “Getih” or blood, which represents the most important part of human life. The fourth sibling is “Pusar”, the umbilical cord that connects and transports food to the fetus. And the fifth is “Pancer,” which means that one’s self is the center of life when the humans are born.

The nutrition that flows from the placenta through the umbilical cord is the essential part of the food that the mother has eaten. What the mother eats also nourishes the fetus. Of course, each mother provides different foods, but types and basic ingredients of foods are similar. Such as wheat flour, which is the raw material for the basic food in our daily lives – in addition to rice, corn, potatoes and beans.

Glazen Huis

Het Glazen Huis