testing ground for art & ecology
December 14, 2022

Alice Smits at “Dit is ons publiek: een symposium over anders rapporteren”

Cost: Free, registration required

Main speakers: Anna Elffers, Josien Pieterse, Laurien Saraber, Alice Smits (of Zone2Source!), Marleen Stikker, Eelco van der Lingen, Alix de Massiac, Nienke Vijlbrief, Arend-Jan Weijsters & Annet Zondervan.

When mapping audience reach, there is currently a disproportionate emphasis on counting exhibition visitors. However, the public at presentation and development institutions engages in many more activities than just visiting exhibitions: they participate in workshops, make their own art or an exhibition, listen to podcasts, borrow a work of art, participate in discussions during a knowledge session, etc. This makes the public far from always being (only) visitors, but also creators, users, listeners, readers, supporters, students. Surely we should include that under audience reach?

Figures are certainly of value in saying something about the extent of audience reach.But that audience figures do not say everything and should not be seen as the indicator of success seems to be a widely held view in the cultural sector. However, actually changing this is easier said than done. MOKER / P_Oi, the platform for presentation and development institutions in Amsterdam, has therefore started looking for a better method of reporting on audience reach that does justice to the reality and size of the types of organizations in the midfield and that actually says, means and delivers something.

During this symposium, the handbook “Ditisonspubliek.nl” will be presented and we will discuss bottlenecks and practical applicability.

14:00 – 14:15 Walk-in – coffee & tea
14:15 – 14:20 Welcome by moderator Alix de Massiac
14:20 – 14:30 Introduction by Annet Zondervan (director CBK Zuidoost)
14:30 – 14:50 Launch and presentation ‘ditisonspubliek.nl’ by Anna Elffers
14:50 – 15:30 Debate on the website in relation to the current and future practice of accountability – Speakers: Laurien Saraber (director Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst), Eelco van der Lingen (director Mondriaan Fonds), Josien Pieterse (director Framer Framed) & Marleen Stikker (director Waag Futurelab)
15:30 – 16:00 Break – coffee & tea
16:00 – 16:45 In practice – conversation on working through developed work and talent beyond the borders of one’s own institution – Speakers: Alice Smits (director Zone2Source), Nienke Vijlbrief (artistic director P/////AKT) & Arend-Jan Weijsters (director AGA LAB)
16:45 – 17:30 Closing drinks

This program is in Dutch.

More info can be found here!

Framer Framed