testing ground for art & ecology

Adi Hollander’s interactive sound garden at Zone2Source and Dutch Design Week

From 16 November to 1st December 2019, you can immerse yourself in The Body Imitates the Landscape, an electronic sound garden with water beds and benches by artist Adi Hollander and composer Claudio F. Baroni. The benches have been created using speakers that translate music into sound vibrations that you can feel throughout your entire body. Not only you hear the music, but you also feel it: young, old, deaf and hearing people can all experience together the joy of physically listening to music in this electronic garden of sound at the Glazen Huis.
In October Adi Hollander already gives a preview of this work during the Dutch Design Week. She also shows two other modules of work that underline the materiality of sound. The work can be seen in the Klokgebouw as part of the Embassy of Health, a collaboration of Philips, Maxima Medical Center, Creative Industries Fund NL, U Create and the Waag.