The Amstelpark dates back to 1972 when it was developed as the the venue for Floriade – the global horticulture exhibition. Some residues of the Floriade remain well-maintained while others are pretty much neglected but are still visible in the park.
Zone2Source wants to revive it’s rich and eventful history and take these historical sites and heritage sources as starting point for artistic research. This material was collected in the context of the researchprogramma and exhibition Exploded View (opening in July 2020) in which 12 artist studied the Amstelpark and looked at historical sources and archival material. This project will include a continuation of the artistic park study Floriade Trash and Treasures by KCCM in 2015, also working with heritage in the park. This material will also be used as a resource for projects and an upcoming programma to rethink the Amstelpark as a park for ecology and art, which will also lead to a festive program in 2022 to celebrate it’s 50th birthday.
In this post, you will find an overview of Amstelpark’s history and the 1972 Floriade glory, as well as documentations and records hidden behind curtains all this time. All resources to enrich contemporary visits to the Amstelpark.
Floriade 1972
Floriade tijdens de aanleg, 1972, Noord-Hollands Archief
Floriade Trash and Treasures
As part of the summer program of Zone2Source in 2015, Krijn Christiaansen & Cathelijne Montens (KCCM) researched the history of the Amstelpark and re-enacted certain activities of the 1972 Floriade Expo horticulture exhibition. Read more about the various stages of the project Floriade Trash and Treasures.