Read the Zone2Source newsletter (September 2020) including:
A save the date for Mind Your Step, a group exhibition about the art of walking, opens on October 4, in which we venture off the beaten track. While the public space has changed as a result of corona and everyone has started walking, we invite you to an exhibition and a series of expeditions in which we will rethink and experience our relationship to the environment.
The last opportunity to visit Exploded View an exhibition with 9 artist perspectives on the Amstelpark. On Saturday, September 19, we will unpack the soil samples from the Amstelpark with Jacqueline Heerema and on Sunday, September 20, the finissage will take place, including a film premiere of Amstelpark by Night and discussions with the artists.
And have you already seen the sun, wind and clouds play with Odoshi Cloud Sequence, the new work of Ronald van der Meijs?