testing ground for art & ecology

Opening Summer Program Zone2Source

31 MAY 2015, 2 – 5 PM
2 PM Start at Orangerie with a tour around all the projects, talks and drinks.
Special bites will be served from the park by De Onkruidenier (Ronald Boer and Jonmar van Vlijmen) who give weeds a new and tasty meaning.
2.15 PM Welcome by zone2source. Opening by Sebastiaan Capel (stadsdeelvoorzitter Zuid).
Krijn Christiaansen and Cathelijne Montens present Sensing Nature (1972-2022) in de Orangerie.

3 PM Opening Buzzbench in Dahliarama. Presentation by AnneMarie van Splunter. Bee excursions and workshops for children (see details below).
3.30 PM Opening Herbarium Vivum. Presentation by Driessens & Verstappen.
4 PM Opening Aquaplanet het Glazen Huis. Presentation by Jean-Marc Chomaz from Labofactory. With  a special performance.
4.30 PM A walk in the context of an ongoing project Sporen by Marjolijn Boterenbrood in which we will discover more about the life underneath our feet together with Mathilde van Beekhuizen (visual artist) through listening and digging.
Children’s workshops around Buzzbench (Dahliarama)
3.30, 4 and 4.30 PM: Bee Excursion
What are wild bees, why are they important and where can we find them? Registration f.nieuwenhuis@amsterdam.nl.
3.30 – 5 PM: Making bee seedbolls (4 – 12 years)
Make tasty seedbolls for the bees and learn all kinds of new things about bees.
3.45 and 4.15 PM: Bee Dance  ( 4 – 8 years)
Learn more about bees by dressing up, dancing and buzzing like a bee!