proeftuin voor kunst & ecologie
7 april - 9 juni 2024

Colonised Landscapes and Spectral Deterritorialised Flora

Paula Albuquerque

Zone2Source nodigt deze lente Paula Albuquerque uit voor een onderzoekstentoonstelling waarin ze onderzoek uitvoert naar vraagstukken rond de representatie van het gekoloniseerde landschap.

In Colonised Landscapes and Spectral Deterritorialised Flora, creëert Albuquerque nieuw werk over de representatie van het gekoloniseerde landschap in voormalig bezette gebieden. Hierin onderzoekt zij de rol van vroege film als vorm van proto-surveillance die koloniale structuren in stand houden.

Albuquerque gebruikt filmmateriaal afkomstig uit het archief van het Eye Filmmuseum, waaronder home movies gemaakt tussen 1912 en 1940 in voormalig Oost- en West-Indië. Hierin worden de reizen van Nederlandse kolonisten getoond, die bepalend waren voor hoe de bezette gebieden in Nederland werden waargenomen.

Met experimentele en geimproviseerde vormen van audio- en visuele bewakingsapparatuur onderzoekt Albuquerque een aantal plantensoorten die tijdens de koloniale periode waren toegeëigend en gepatenteerd door westerse systemen, en waarvan de inheemse namen vervangen werden door koloniserende taxonomieën. Deze planten werden vervolgens overgebracht naar verschillende botanische tuinen, waaronder het Amstelpark en het Hortus Botanicus Amsterdam, waar Paula haar onderzoek uitvoert.

Tijdens haar tentoonstelling bij Zone2Source werkt Albuquerque in het Amstelpark aan ecologische processen voor filmontwikkeling en creëert zij installaties met bewakingscamera’s en analoog filmmateriaal.

Colonised Landscapes and Spectral Deterritorialised Flora
Paula Albuquerque

For her solo exhibition Colonised Landscapes and Spectral Deterritorialised Flora, Albuquerque focuses on the portrayal of the colonised landscape in formerly occupied territories, alongside the role of early film as a form of proto-surveillance in sustaining and perpetuating colonial structures.
The material is drawn from the Eye Film Museum archive, including home movies made between 1920 and 1960 in the former East and West Indies, which depicts Dutch settlers’ journeys that shaped how the Netherlands perceived its overseas territories.
Using audio and visual monitoring devices, both digital and analogue but also experimental and improvised versions thereof, Albuquerque will study plant species that were appropriated during the colonial era, patented by Western systems that replaced their native names with colonising taxonomies. Plants like these were finally relocated to various botanical gardens, such as the Amstelpark and the Hortus Botanicus Amsterdam, where Paula conducts her artistic research.
During this two-month exhibition at Zone2Source, Albuquerque will work in the Amstelpark and experiment with ecological processes for film development. She will present installations with surveillance equipment and analogue film connecting in and outdoors.

Paula Albuquerque‘s practice questions the legitimacy of archives that create social stereotypes, which still haunt the contemporary social fabric. Assembling historical and contemporary moving image and photographic materials, she analyses how they support politics of dispossession and discriminating racialised and gendered representation.
Colonised Landscapes and Spectral Deterritorialised Flora
Paula Albuquerque

For her solo exhibition Colonised Landscapes and Spectral Deterritorialised Flora, Albuquerque focuses on the portrayal of the colonised landscape in formerly occupied territories, alongside the role of early film as a form of proto-surveillance in sustaining and perpetuating colonial structures.
The material is drawn from the Eye Film Museum archive, including home movies made between 1920 and 1960 in the former East and West Indies, which depicts Dutch settlers’ journeys that shaped how the Netherlands perceived its overseas territories.
Using audio and visual monitoring devices, both digital and analogue but also experimental and improvised versions thereof, Albuquerque will study plant species that were appropriated during the colonial era, patented by Western systems that replaced their native names with colonising taxonomies. Plants like these were finally relocated to various botanical gardens, such as the Amstelpark and the Hortus Botanicus Amsterdam, where Paula conducts her artistic research.
During this two-month exhibition at Zone2Source, Albuquerque will work in the Amstelpark and experiment with ecological processes for film development. She will present installations with surveillance equipment and analogue film connecting in and outdoors.

Paula Albuquerque‘s practice questions the legitimacy of archives that create social stereotypes, which still haunt the contemporary social fabric. Assembling historical and contemporary moving image and photographic materials, she analyses how they support politics of dispossession and discriminating racialised and gendered representation.
Colonised Landscapes and Spectral Deterritorialised Flora
Paula Albuquerque

For her solo exhibition Colonised Landscapes and Spectral Deterritorialised Flora, Albuquerque focuses on the portrayal of the colonised landscape in formerly occupied territories, alongside the role of early film as a form of proto-surveillance in sustaining and perpetuating colonial structures.
The material is drawn from the Eye Film Museum archive, including home movies made between 1920 and 1960 in the former East and West Indies, which depicts Dutch settlers’ journeys that shaped how the Netherlands perceived its overseas territories.
Using audio and visual monitoring devices, both digital and analogue but also experimental and improvised versions thereof, Albuquerque will study plant species that were appropriated during the colonial era, patented by Western systems that replaced their native names with colonising taxonomies. Plants like these were finally relocated to various botanical gardens, such as the Amstelpark and the Hortus Botanicus Amsterdam, where Paula conducts her artistic research.
During this two-month exhibition at Zone2Source, Albuquerque will work in the Amstelpark and experiment with ecological processes for film development. She will present installations with surveillance equipment and analogue film connecting in and outdoors.

Paula Albuquerque‘s practice questions the legitimacy of archives that create social stereotypes, which still haunt the contemporary social fabric. Assembling historical and contemporary moving image and photographic materials, she analyses how they support politics of dispossession and discriminating racialised and gendered representation.
Colonised Landscapes and Spectral Deterritorialised Flora
Paula Albuquerque

For her solo exhibition Colonised Landscapes and Spectral Deterritorialised Flora, Albuquerque focuses on the portrayal of the colonised landscape in formerly occupied territories, alongside the role of early film as a form of proto-surveillance in sustaining and perpetuating colonial structures.
The material is drawn from the Eye Film Museum archive, including home movies made between 1920 and 1960 in the former East and West Indies, which depicts Dutch settlers’ journeys that shaped how the Netherlands perceived its overseas territories.
Using audio and visual monitoring devices, both digital and analogue but also experimental and improvised versions thereof, Albuquerque will study plant species that were appropriated during the colonial era, patented by Western systems that replaced their native names with colonising taxonomies. Plants like these were finally relocated to various botanical gardens, such as the Amstelpark and the Hortus Botanicus Amsterdam, where Paula conducts her artistic research.
During this two-month exhibition at Zone2Source, Albuquerque will work in the Amstelpark and experiment with ecological processes for film development. She will present installations with surveillance equipment and analogue film connecting in and outdoors.

Paula Albuquerque‘s practice questions the legitimacy of archives that create social stereotypes, which still haunt the contemporary social fabric. Assembling historical and contemporary moving image and photographic materials, she analyses how they support politics of dispossession and discriminating racialised and gendered representation.

Paula Albuquerque onderzoekt in haar werk hoe archieven de stereotyperingen die nog steeds het hedendaagse sociale weefsel achtervolgen zowel creëren als bestendigen. Aan de hand van zowel historisch als hedendaags video- en fotomateriaal analyseert zij hoe deze voortdurend de politiek van onteigening (politics of dispossession) en discriminerende racistische en genderrepresentaties ondersteunen.



Publiek Programma

opening: zondag 7 april 2024

16:00 Gesprek tussen curator Astrid Korporaal en Paula Albuquerque over bewaking, zorg, ecologie, het dekoloniale en het anarchivale.


finissage: zondag 9 juni 2024

16:00 Paula Albuquerque nodigt EYE Filmmuseum Archive curatoren Leenke Ripmeester en Dorette Schootemeijer, en Universiteit van Amsterdam Media Studies wetenschapper Asli Özgen-Havekotte uit voor een gesprek over Decolonizing Film Archives en de Ecologie daarvan.


Glazen Huis

het Glazen Huis